De mi fabula narratur

Det finns två sidor på varje mynt, det är denna sida jag ser. Det jag säger idag kanske inte gäller imorgon. Jag skriver för min egen skull men blir jätteglad av kommentarer så länge de inte är skrivna av p u c k o n.

lördag, september 16, 2006


You were a part of my life before but I still get tired of your behaviour

Bull shit
There are no good excuses for the way you are behaving

The time has come
Your way of living isn't cool at all

Give up
If you desperatly want to die, who's stoping you?


Counting calories is so fucking boring

Stop running away from life
when you can feel it's breathing behind your back
You live for a reason

cherish your life
be proud of who you are
instead of cherish the hate you feel towards yourself
